
82443283 s min

The specialized knowledge on plants, lawn, irrigation systems, fertilizers and plant protection, guarantees the quality and aesthetics of your green space.

Every visit of our crews is supervised by an agronomist, and if  the client wishes, there is the possibility for biological control.

Also, we offer ecological pest control on customer’s requests.

A maintenance includes the costs for any preparations needed for maintenance (eg fertilizers, herbicides), and the work required by the project is carried out, such as the following:

A garden maintenance service includes the cost of any products that are being used (e.g. fertilizers, pesticides) and the following tasks are implemented:

  • Irrigation
  • Weeding
  • Fight against pests and diseases
  • Pruning
  • Lawn mowing
  • Lubrication
  • Weeding
  • Rhizotomy
  • Digging and maintaining the soil around the plants
  • Maintenance of shrubs, trees, perennials, annuals, etc.
  • Lawn maintenance
  • Plant protection sprays
29468809 s min